What's the secret to long life?
It's the priceless question that everyone wants answered, and billions spent in predatory marketing have tried to sell the key.
So why not just ask the people who've had one?
Here are 10 longevity secrets from people who can call themselves centenarians.
Eating three square meals a day. “Lots of fish, pasta, vegetables and sweets.”
Cooking and enjoying food, and family. “It’s the way my children take care of me.”
Always having purpose and something to live for. “You don’t find that if you’re not looking for it.”
Don’t retire, if you enjoy it. “It’s not for everybody, but it works well for me.”
“Keep your body in good shape and your mind in good shape.” That involves staying active by walking and building relationships.
“Love. I really love myself.” And eating a papaya every morning.
Having no regrets, and staying employed. “When nature says, ‘You got to stop, Deborah,’ Deborah will stop. Until then, she’ll keep going.”
Living alone, and eating in a healthy manner. “Everybody needs their own place.”
The famous Loyola University Basketball chaplain prioritizes being happy. “I still go to bed every night with a smile on my face.”
Love. Fiterman got married to a 100-year-old man.